Williams Steel Erection Co., Inc. and Williams Construction Services have done it again with the erection of a pedestrian bridge connecting the new Loudoun Gateway Station on the second phase of the Washington Metro’s Silver Line to a new parking garage being built by Loudoun County to service the station.

This 175 ft long, 100 ton bridge was assembled on the ground in two pieces and set in place using Williams Construction Services 300 Ton capacity truck crane.
To successfully complete this project, Williams Steel drew on their extensive experience building pedestrian bridges on 5 of the stations that make up the second phase of the Silver Line for which they won a 2019 Washington Building Congress Craftsmanship Award. The Loudoun Gateway Station can be seen in the background of the photo above.
The tight placement and size of this bridge provided unique conditions which Williams Steel overcame by building the bridge in two sections utilizing a custom engineered shoring solution to support the bridge during final placement. It is this type of carefully planned operation that Williams Steel Erection and Williams Construction Services specialize in.
Check out more pictures of this operation below.